Epson R800 User Manual
Page 112

Print position check disc, 70 to 73
Print Quality
problems, 95 to 96
setting, 32, 58
Print Settings menu, Macintosh OS X, 26
cable, 103
check, 92
cleaning, 87
control panel, 90 to 92
maintaining, 77 to 87
noise, 94
parts, 90
problems, 91 to 92, 94
transporting, 88
advanced, 23 to 24, 31 to 33
CDs and DVDs, 61 to 76
controlling, 22, 28, 31
Macintosh, basic OS 8.6 to 9.x, 29 to 31
Macintosh, basic OS X, 25 to 28
Windows, basic, 20 to 22
with custom settings, 23 to 24, 31 to 33
CD/DVD, 99
diagnosing, 91 to 92
installing software, 93
miscellaneous, 99 to 100
paper feeding, 97 to 98
print quality, 95 to 96
printer, 94
solving, 89 to 102
uninstalling software, 101
Quality Option setting, 21, 44, 55, 59
Quality/Speed setting, 26, 30, 39, 40, 46, 47,
Reference Guide, 10 to 11
Reinstalling software, 101
Roll paper
button, 17, 41
controlling printing, 41
holder, 16 to 17, 41
loading, 16 to 17, 35
options, 37, 39, 40
printing on, 35 to 39
problems, solving, 91, 98
removing, 41
storing, 41
Safety instructions, 104 to 105
Semigloss Photo Paper, 14, 34, 36, 38, 40
Service, 102
Sheet feeder
loading envelopes in, 15
loading paper in, 13 to 14
problems, solving, 91, 97 to 98
Size setting, 15, 21, 36
Slow printing, 94
Smeared printout, 15, 27, 32, 95
installation problems, solving, 93
photo, 9
Print CD, 65 to 76
reinstalling, 101
summary, 9
uninstalling, 101
SoundAdvice, 102
Source setting, 21, 36, 44
Super MicroWeave setting, 23, 94
Support, 102
System requirements, 103