Ashly FX60.2 Multipurpose Installation Network Amplifier with DSP (1 RU, 1/2 Rack) User Manual
Page 21

FX Amplifier • Operating Manual
11.1 Configuration (Software) Specifications
Dashboard Menu
Amplifier Status
Power/Standby, Input, Output, Wired LAN IP address, WiFi IP address
Zone Status
Mute per zone, Gain adjust -80dB to 0dB, Input Type, Output Routing
Input Menu
Analog Inputs 1-4
Mono or Stereo, Input Sensitivity: +14dBu, +4dBu (default), -10dBV, or Microphone, Gain/Trim -10dB to +10dB
S/PDIF Inputs
Mono or Stereo, Gain/Trim -10dB to +10dB
Pink Noise Generator ON/OFF, Gain/Trim -50dB to 0dB
Zone Menu
Zone A/B in 2ch models, Zone A-D in 4ch models, Gain adjust per zone -80dB to 0dB, Mono or Stereo, Zone Input Source Select
GPIO Volume Control Per Zone, GPIO Pin must be enabled for Volume Control
Per Zone, Default or Manual Mode (manual mode parameters: Threshold, Attack Time, Release Time, Hold Time, Ratio, Knee)
Output Menu
Zone source selection per output 1-2 on 2ch models, output 1-4 on 4ch models
Per output, ON/OFF, adjustable 0-100ms (feet, meters, & samples also indicated)
Per output, ON/OFF, Edit, Copy, Clear
Filter Types
10-Band Parametric, 6dB & 12dB Hi/Lo Shelf, 6dB & 12dB HPF/LPF, Hi/Lo Shelf with Q, 1st & 2nd order All Pass, Bandpass, Notch
Speaker Preset
Per output, select preset from library, import preset from file, export preset to file, clear preset
Crossover & Gain
Per output, ON/OFF, Gain, Copy, Clear, High Pass Filter, Low Pass Filter
Filter Types
Off, Butterworth 6/12/18/24/36/48dB/octave, Bessel 12/24/48dB/octave, Linkwitz-Riley 12/24/36/48dB/octave
Speaker EQ
Per output, ON/OFF, Edit, Copy, Clear
Filter Types
10-Band Parametric, 6dB & 12dB Hi/Lo Shelf, 6dB & 12dB HPF/LPF, Hi/Lo Shelf with Q, 1st & 2nd order All Pass, Bandpass, Notch
FIR Filters
Per output, ON/OFF, Import, Clear (512 taps maximum)
Driver Alignment
Per output, ON/OFF, adjustable 0-10ms (feet, meters, & samples also indicated)
Per output, 0o, 180o
Per output, Clip Limiter ON/OFF, Peak Limiter (Auto/Manual mode), RMS Limiter ON/OFF
Output Mode
Per output, Off, Lo-Z (4 & 8 Ohm), Hi-Z - 70V (needs two output channels), Hi-Z - 100V (needs two output channels)
(Continued on next page)