3 command help, 4 designating ip address, 5 designating port number – PLANET VIP-000 User Manual
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VIP User
’s Manual
Command Line Interface
From the remote host, enter the telnet command
followed by the IP address of VIP you want to ac-
telnet ip_addr
When VIP prompts
“Login:”, enter the user name
When VIP prompts
“Password:”, enter the pass-
word. The default password is
“123” unless a
password was previously established using the
net set user_pw command (Refer to the section
describing net set user_pw command later in this
chapter for details about the setting password).
Upon successfully entered the password, VIP displays greeting message and the following prompts
and you are ready to access the CLI commands.
7.3 Command Help
Help for commands is provided by the CLI. Type help to see a listing of the top-level commands.
On most cases, if you enter a command using the wrong number of arguments or inappropriate ar-
guments, the CLI will give further usage.
7.4 Designating IP Address
Some commands require an IP address, which must be designated in a standard format. The IP
address format is 32 bits, written as four octets separated by periods (dotted decimal format) that
are made up of a network section, an optional subnet section, and a host section, as shown in the
following example:
7.5 Designating Port Number
Some commands require a telephony port number. VIP designates the first port on TIM slot A as
port number 0, the 2
port as port number 1 and so on. When a TIM is installed in slot B, the first
port is designated as port number 4, the 2
one is designated as port number 5 and so on.