D.3 atpm hunt group table – PLANET VIP-000 User Manual
Page 128
VIP User
’s Manual
D.3 ATPM Hunt Group Table
Several destinations may be grouped together to form a hunt group.
an incoming phone
number matches the phone number of the hunt group, VIP attempts to terminate the call at each of
the destinations in the hunt group one at a time until a call is successfully completed. Plan how des-
tinations are to be grouped and fill out the hunt table worksheet, then use the CLI command
hadd hunt_group_id hunt_type dest_id
for each entry in the worksheet to add it to the
hunt group table. The hunt_group_id in the command corresponds to the Hunt Group ID in the
worksheet, the hunt_type corresponds to the Hunt Type (1 or 2), the dest_id
… corresponds to the
List of Destination IDs. You may alternatively use the web browser to add hunt groups to the hunt
group table.
Hunt Type
Hunt Group ID
List of Destination IDs