Freebsd driver installation, Chapter 7: freebsd driver installation, Chapter 7 – Avago Technologies MegaRAID SAS 9240-4i User Manual

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LSI Corporation


January 2011

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MegaRAID SAS Device Driver Installation User Guide

Chapter 7: FreeBSD Driver Installation


Upgrading the Driver on an Existing FreeBSD System

Chapter 7

This chapter describes the installation of the FreeBSD driver and consists of the
following section:

Section 7.1, Upgrading the Driver on an Existing FreeBSD System

NOTE: Currently, the FreeBSD driver is supported only on 32-bit FreeBSD.

NOTE: The FreeBSD release for FreeBSD 7.x has forward compatibility with all OS 7.x
and higher, including 8.x.


Upgrading the Driver on

an Existing FreeBSD System

When the FreeBSD operating system is already installed, the kernel image has to be
updated on the new driver module. Perform the following steps to install the FreeBSD

1. Make sure that the kernel source has been installed on the system. If the kernel

source has been installed, the

/usr/src/sys directory exists.

2. Move to the arch/conf directory and copy the GENERIC configuration file to a new

file. The new file will be the kernel configuration file. Here is an example:

# cd /usr/src/sys/i386/conf

3. Enter # at the beginning of the following line in the


device cbb #cardbus (yenta) bridge
device mfi #LSI MegaRAID SAS

4. To compile the kernel, add the following line to the

/usr/src/sys/conf/files file:

make buildkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL

5. To install the new kernel, type:

make installkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL

The new kernel is copied to the

/boot/kernel directory as

/boot/kernel/kernel and the old kernel is moved to

FreeBSD Driver Installation