Table a-2. ciil error messages, Figure a-8. sta — status command – KEPCO MAT 1/3 Rack User Manual
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MATSVC 112404
A-5/(A-6 Blank)
Causes power supply to return operating status to controller.
This operator commands the power supply to report its present operating status. Status is reported in
the form of a message (character string) as defined below. Any catastrophic error conditions (indicated
by * in the table below) which exist will be reported, until the error condition is corrected. As required
by CIIL, all error messages begin with an ASCII “F” (Fault) followed by a 2 digit code, “07” (Halt). The
code that follows (SCSnn) indicates the type of device and the channel number. The next 3 digit code
describes the nature of the fault: “DEV” for device related errors or “MOD” for non-device errors, such
as syntax.
FIGURE A-8. STA — Status Command
F07 DCSnn DEV Power Loss
The power supply has lost its input power. *
F07 DCSnn DEV Crowbarred (MAT, MAT)
A shutdown occurred due to overvoltage or overcurrent. *
F07 DCSnn DEV Device Turned Off (BOP)
F07 DCSnn DEV Output Fault (MST)
F07 DCSnn DEV Over Temperature
A shutdown occurred due to thermal causes. *
F07 DCSnn DEV Overload
The voltage or current limit point was exceeded. *
F07 DCSnn DEV Voltage Fault
The output voltage is not within limits (voltage mode). *
F07 DCSnn DEV Current Fault
The output current is not within limits (current mode). *
F07 DCSnn DEV Relay Not Opened
The power relay failed to open. *
F07 DCSnn DEV Relay Not Closed
The power relay failed to close. *
F07 DCSnn DEV Polarity Error
The output polarity is not correct. *
F07 DCSnn DEV Load Path Fault
Open or miswired load or error sense leads detected. *
F07 DCSnn MOD Invalid Command
Improper syntax was used. **
F07 DCSnn DEV Not Ready
The output voltage or current has not settled. **
F07 DCSnn DEV Device Not Present
The specified power supply was not present during power up or
during the last DCL. **
F07 DCSnn DEV Device Not Responding
The power supply has failed to communicate to the controller. **
F07 DCSnn DEV Invalid Voltage Range
The programmed voltage is outside the power supply's range. **
F07 DCSnn DEV Invalid Current Range
The programmed current is outside the power supply's range. **
F07 DCSnn DEV Set Modifier Error
An improper SET command was sent. **
F07 DCSnn DEV Invalid Device ID
The selected channel was not between 1-31. **
Catastrophic error
Non-Catastrophic error