Retrotec DM32 User Manual
Page 86

Page 86 of 94
©Retrotec Inc. 2014
In the tables, the Pressure of Interest is 50Pa, and Assumed n is 0.65 or 0.60
The actual flow exponent n for an enclosure can be calculated by measuring building leakage at multiple
pressure differences, from 10 to 50 Pa, and determining the slope of the line:
Flow = C ×𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒
The graph of pressure versus flow will be linear if graphed on a log-log scale, and the slope will be n.
See also other documents in the category Retrotec Measuring instruments:
- DM32 (16 pages)
- DM32 (15 pages)
- DM32 Data Logger (27 pages)
- DM32 WiFi (4 pages)
- RSH Pressure Relief Vents (8 pages)
- DM32 WiFi: GaugeRemote (4 pages)
- DM32 WiFi: GaugeRemote (21 pages)
- Residential Pressure & Air Leakage (75 pages)
- DM-2 (72 pages)
- DM32 WiFi: Virtual Gauge (5 pages)
- DM-2 DucTester setup for Codes (2 pages)
- DM-2 Gauge (4 pages)
- Design and Evaluation for Peak Pressure and Agent Retention Time (4 pages)
- Spec-ENERGY STAR Requirements (4 pages)
- DucTester with DM-2 (8 pages)
- 451 DucTester (4 pages)
- Air Current Tester (4 pages)
- MN Duct Blaster (2 pages)
- Commercial 441 and 451 DucTester (56 pages)
- DucTester 200 series with DM32 (8 pages)
- House and Duct Simulator (4 pages)
- DucTester 341 (83 pages)
- DucTester 341 (4 pages)
- DucTester 351 (4 pages)
- Flow Finder MK 2 (17 pages)
- Comparison between Duct Blaster and Retrotec DucTester 341 (5 pages)
- DucTester 200 Series Residential Applications (91 pages)
- Air Leakage Test Systems Selector (8 pages)
- DU200 DucTester Testing Procedures to meet EnergyStar Standards (4 pages)
- USACE (468 pages)