Epson 4500 User Manual

Page 302

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Epson Extended Graphics character table

The Epson Extended Graphics character table contains international

accented characters, Greek characters, and character graphics for

printing lines, corners, and shaded areas.

ESC (escape) code

A special control code used to begin most printer commands.


Abbreviation for Epson Standard Code for Printers. The system of
commands lets you perform software control of your printer from your

computer. It is standard for all Epson printers and supported by most

application software for personal computers.


A font is a style of type designated by a family name.


In printer terminology, a form normally refers to a page.

form feed

Refers to both a control code and a panel button that advances the
paper to the top of the next page.

hexadecimal (hex)

See number systems.


To establish the initial default status of the printer by turning the printer

on or by sending an INIT signal or code.

input buffer

The memory in the printer in which data sent from the computer is

stored while waiting to be printed.


The means of connection between the computer and printer. See also

parallel interface

and serial interface.


A typestyle in which the characters slant. This sentence is italicized.

