1 help, 2 erase, Command is displayed below – Enterasys Networks Fast Network 10 User Manual
Page 28: Entering
Chapter 1: Introduction
Page 1-18
Fast Network 10 User Guide Help
Displays the menu of available commands. Help can also be displayed by
typing a question mark (?). The output from the
command is
displayed below. Erase
to erase the current FN10 configuration sets up the IP
address on Port 1 to
(default) when the FN10 is rebooted.
FN10 > help
FN10 Local Console Manager
help or ?
this menu
status [PORT-RANGE]
baud [BAUD-RATE]
exit or logout
ipaddr [PORT# IPADDR [MASK]]
addresses display [any] [ADDR [MASK]]
trunk [PORT-RANGE [{on | off}]]
enable [PORT-RANGE [noRIP]]
disable [PORT-RANGE]
filters {display|modify|add|delete}
sttimer [TIME-VALUE]
to display unit or port status
to change the console baud rate
to logout
to display unit identification
to set or display IP addresses
to display learned addresses
to set bridging methods
to set or display trunking status
to enable a set of ports
to disable a set of ports
to manage port filters
to change the password/community name
to set or display st age time
to erase configuration information
FN10 >
reboot {SECONDS | off}
to reboot the unit after seconds
arp [display]
to display arp table information
to display routing table information
route display [IPADDR]
workgroup [NAME [delete|PORT-RANGE [INFO]]]
speed [PORT-RANGE [{10|100}]]
to set or display Fast Ethernet speed
to display the most recent SNMP traps
to set or display workgroups