Ella Moss Automobile Parts User Manual

Page 44

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M:\Product Information\366-348\Instructions\366-348 MGB Fuel Injection Installation Instructions_Grant_2.doc

Installation Part 23 – Testing the Fuel Injection Wiring & Plumbing


Reconnect the battery.

366-348 Inst Fig 245


Turn the key to the on or run position (not to

START). Listen for the fuel pump, which will run for
about 3 seconds every time you turn the key on. If you
do not start the car, the fuel pump will shut off


Starting in the trunk, check every fuel supply hose

and fuel return hose connection for leaks.


Look into the hole in the trunk where the old fuel

pump and grommet used to sit to see if the pump and its
connections are secure. (Fig 245)


Look under the car every fuel supply hose and fuel

return hose connection for leaks.


Turn the ignition switch off.

If the fuel pump worked and all the connections are tight, we
will take care of a few loose ends.

366-348 Inst Fig 246




Locate the 2.5” diameter plastic plug supplied in the

kit. Insert it into the hole in the trunk. (246.1) You will
need to push just inside of the V-shaped circular groove
in the plug to get it to pop into place. This plug will
provide relatively easy access to the electrical
connections on the high pressure fuel pump should that
be necessary.


Locate the ¼-28 Phillips head screw removed from

the welded nut (246.2) when we removed the original SU
fuel pump. Replace the screw and tighten it. We are
using the screw just to plug the hole.

This completes part 23 of the installation.

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