Ella Moss Automobile Parts User Manual
Page 23

M:\Product Information\366-348\Instructions\366-348 MGB Fuel Injection Installation Instructions_Grant_2.doc
Installation Part 11- Connecting the Throttle Cable
366-348 Inst Fig 80
Route the throttle cable over the harness and over
the vacuum line for the brake booster.
366-348 Inst Fig 82
Push the cylindrical end (82.1) at the tip of the
throttle cable into the hole in the throttle cable bellcrank.
You will need to guide the cable through the slot (82.1)
and into the V-channel (82.3) of the bellcrank arm. We
removed the throttle body to take the picture; you will
attach the cable with the throttle body mounted, which is
why we test fit the cable earlier.
Once the cable (83.1) is attached to the bellcrank
(83.2), we need to get the adjustable end of the cable
(83.3) into the bracket on the throttle body (83.4). This
requires a little explanation using a picture of what it will
look like when we are done. There is a slot in the bracket
just wide enough for the cable. With the cable attached
to the bellcrank, there is not enough slack to get the
cable through the slot. We are going to “open the
throttle” to get the slack we need.
366-348 Inst Fig 83
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