Part 2 - remove the zs carb – Ella Moss Automobile Parts User Manual

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M:\Product Information\366-348\Instructions\366-348 MGB Fuel Injection Installation Instructions_Grant_2.doc

Installation Part 1 – Prepare the Vehicle, Drain Fluids

1. Disconnect the battery ground cable.
2. You will need a solid, level surface to work on.
3. Jack up the rear end of the car and support is securely on two jack stands.
4. Drain the fuel tank. The safest method is to use a fuel siphon pump to transfer the fuel into a proper

gasoline storage container. The original fuel tanks fitted to later cars do not have a drain plug, but if
your tank has one, use it. If you find rust particles or flakes in the tank, consider having the tank
cleaned and sealed. Rust flakes will clog or damage the high pressure fuel pump included with this
kit. If you have any doubts, fit an in-line fuel filter (377-310) in the hose between the tank and the high
pressure pump when you reach that point in the installation.

5. Unpack the fuel injection kit components.

6. Drain the coolant. For the 77-80 sealed system, we need

to break the vacuum. Remove the plug (1.1) screwed
into the top of the thermostat housing using a 13/16”
wrench. Remove the gasket that seals the plug to the
housing. Set the plug aside. A new 328-485 gasket for
the plug is included in the kit which we will use when we
re-fill the system at the very end.


366-348 Inst Fig 1 [1977-80 MGB]

7. Under the car- Position a pan to catch the coolant.

Loosen the clamp on the lower radiator hose and pull the
hose off the radiator outlet. When the coolant has
drained, replace the hose and tighten the clamp. The
original radiators fitted to later cars did not have drain
taps, but if your have one, use it Collect the coolant in a
clean container and set it aside- you will re-fill the
system with this coolant at the end.

366-348 Inst Fig 2D



Part 2 - Remove the ZS Carb

Wear eye protection. As you disconnect cables & hoses from
the carb, take the time to label them- use the black felt pen
and masking tape. It will avoid confusion later.
8. Disconnect the throttle return spring.
9. Trace the fuel hose from the filter on the firewall to the

carb. Loosen the hose clamp on the hose at the carb
and pull the line free carefully. Wrap a rag around the
end to catch any fuel that comes out. Even though the
tank is drained, there will be fuel in the carb and in the
fuel hoses. If you have late MGB, you may find a
mechanical fuel cutoff valve between the filter and the
carb. Disconnect and remove the hoses; the valve will
be removed later. See Part 7 for more information.

10. Remove the air cleaner assembly (2.1).

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