Ella Moss Automobile Parts User Manual

Page 43

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M:\Product Information\366-348\Instructions\366-348 MGB Fuel Injection Installation Instructions_Grant_2.doc

Part 22, continued

Connect the two harness ECU plugs. One plug is

wider than the other and has more pins, so you cannot
mix them up. Push the plugs in until you hear /feel a
click, indicating the locking tabs have engaged. (Fig


Reinstall the under dash trim piece. It may need to

be slightly trimmed to clear the ECU.

366-348 Inst Fig 241


Locate the rectangular plug we removed from the

firewall and modified by adding a 1” hole. (Fig 242)


Work the fuel injection harness through the slot in

the plug and into the hole. The harness with its black
plastic sleeve will fill up the 1” hole we made in the

366-348 Inst Fig 242


366-348 Inst Fig 243


Reinstall the factory rubber firewall plug (Fig 243)

It will take some time to work the plug into place. Press
lightly just inside the outer lip. You will feel the plug
pop into place as you press on it. Work your way
around the edge until the plug is in place. If you press
to hard, the plug will pop through the hole. You will
have to pull it back out and start over.

This completes part 22 of the installation.

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