5 connecting the pv array (dc), 1 conditions for the dc connection, Connecting the pv array (dc) – SMA SB 3300-11 Installation User Manual

Page 30: Conditions for the dc connection

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Electrical Connection

SMA Solar Technology AG



Installation Manual

5.5 Connecting the PV Array (DC)

5.5.1 Conditions for the DC Connection

• Requirements for the PV modules of the connected strings:

– Same type
– Same quantity
– Identical alignment
– Identical tilt

• The connecting cables of the PV modules must be equipped with connectors.

The DC connectors for the DC connection are included in the delivery.

• If the inverter is not equipped with an Electronic Solar Switch and the regulations valid at the

installation site require an external DC switch-disconnector, install an external DC switch-

• The following limiting values at the DC input of the inverter must not be exceeded:

Use of Y adapters for parallel connection of strings
Y adapters may not be visible within close proximity of the inverter or freely accessible.

• The DC electric circuit must not be interrupted by adapters.
• Observe the procedure for disconnecting the inverter as described in section

7.2 "Opening the Inverter" (page 41).

Maximum input voltage

Maximum input current

500 V (DC)

20 A (DC)

Risk of lethal electric shock or fire.

The maximum possible input current per string is limited by the connectors used.
If the connectors are overloaded, an electric arc may occur and there is a risk of fire.

• Ensure that the input current for each string does not exceed the maximum through-

fault current of the connectors used.

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