Mounting – HEIDENHAIN MSE 1000 Installation User Manual
Page 20

5. Mounting
The following items are included with the product:
• MSE 1201 module
• Installation Instructions
• Cable mounting hardware kit
• Power connector, included with MSE 1201 (ID 747501-01)
• Left end cover kit
• Right end cover kit
Do not mount in a position that makes it difficult to access the power switch or
power cable.
MSE 1000 modules are designed to be mounted on a standard 35 mm, DIN EN 50022
rail in an electrical cabinet or on a mounting stand (accessory). The individual modules are
plugged into each other and fixed together with a lock creating a module chain.
In its basic configuration, the MSE 1000 consists of a power supply module and a base
module. It can be expanded by further modules as needed. In all, up to 250 axes or
channels can be configured.
Multiple power supply modules may be needed based on the power consumption of the
modules following the power supply in the module chain and any equipment connected
to those modules. When the maximum power rating of a power supply module is reached
it is necessary to install another power supply module into the module chain. Refer to
“Specifications” on page 19 for maximum power consumption rating of power supply
Refer to the MSE 1000 Product Information (ID 736907-xx) for power
consumption calculation examples.
Module sizes
Size 1
Size 2
Size 3
53 mm
106 mm
159 mm
19” / 483 mm
Size 3
Size 2
Size 1
19”electrical cabinet mounting
Mounting stand (accessory)