Saving a transition macro, Studio news – Grass Valley PVTV NEWS Rev.4.02 User Manual

Page 64

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Saving a Transition Macro

When saving information in PVTV STUDIO NEWS, there are three file extensions that can be used.
There are 7 other file-types that are automatically generated by STUDIO. The three that can be

used for saving information are .MAC, .QUE, and .TME.

.MAC Files

Every time a Transition

Macro file is saved (.MAC),

neously creates and saves addi-
tional files. Though these files
have the same file name, they
have different extensions. For
one Transition Macro file, there
can be up to eight files created.
When copying a .MAC file from
one location to another, possi-
bly for backup, all eight files
need to be copied in order for
the Macro to run correctly. For
this reason, it is recommended
that all transition macro infor-
mation be saved in its own
folder to avoid accidental sepa-
ration of files.

These are the other file exten-
sions that are automatically cre-
ated when a .MAC file is saved.
Some or all maybe applicable:

1. .AUD - Saves audio infor-


2. .CG - Saves Character Gen-

erator information.

3. .DVB - Saves video effect


4. .SEQ - Saves sequence


5. .PRE - Saves camera loca-

tion and configuration

6. .VPS - Saves VTR informa-


7. .LBN - Saves Late Breaking

News keys.

.QUE Files

Since Transition Macros are

limited to two hours in

length per file, Queue files are
created to allow Transition
Macro to be played consecu-
tively to create an extended
video production. .QUE files
store a list of Macros. When a
Queue file is opened, the list of
Transition Macros appears in
order in the Queue list. The first
Macro loads onto the Time-
line. Once that Macro is fin-
ished, the next Macro loads

ParkerVision recommends

that once a Transition

Macro is created, it is saved as
a template. These templates
can then be used again to
develop similar video produc-
tions quickly and efficiently.

.TME Files

Transition Macro Elements

files are created to allow

more flexibility with Transition
Macros. .TME saves only the
timeline information, which is
limited to certain properties
and/or button numbers. .TME
files are not specific to one
Transition Macro; they can be
used with many. This means
that the functionality of the
imported .TME will be deter-
mined by the Transition Macro
to which it is imported. Unlike
the .MAC files, .TME files do
not maintain any of the specific
effect information. Therefore
no additional files are automati-
cally generated.

Timeline information can

be imported to the begin-

ning of a current timeline by
selecting Import “.TME” File
under the file menu on the
main menu. After selecting the
desired .TME, click OPEN and
the timeline information from
the file appears at the begin-
ning of the current timeline. To
import the information to a
specified place on the timeline,
place the mouse on the desired
location, and right-click. Select
the Import “TME” File option
and follow the above direc-

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