Snmp reporting web page – Grass Valley 8900NET v.4.4.0 User Manual

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8900NET (Net Card) — Instruction Manual

Using the 8900NET GUI

SNMP Reporting Web Page


Selecting the SNMP Reporting web page link from any frame or 8900NET
web page will bring up the web page shown in

Figure 26 on page 51

. When

an SNMP Managers such as Grass Valley’s NetCentral is installed, SNMP
trap reporting from the frame and modules can be configured using these

Trap Destinations

– selecting the Trap Destinations link from this web page

will bring up the 8900NET Configuration web page explained and
shown in

Figure 34 on page 61


Hardware Switch Status

– the Hardware Switch Status section of this web

page displays the current settings of the DIP switches, S1 and S2, on the
8900NET circuit board as described in

8900NET Module Alarm DIP

Switches on page 11

. These switches allow enabling and disabling of

what status reporting information is provided to the Frame Alarm and
SNMP traps.

SNMP Trap Reporting

– enable or disable SNMP Trap Alarm and Warning

reporting for the following functions in the frame:

Media module (Slots 1-10) fault alarms, and removed, loss of signal,
loss of reference, and configuration error warnings (as specified for
each specific module),

8900NET module fault reporting,

Power supply 1 and 2 fault reporting,

Frame Bus status fault reporting,

Fan (in front cover) Status fault reporting, and

Module health fault reporting.

This manual is related to the following products: