Amer Networks WAP43DC Fat Web User Manual
Page 32

WAP43DC FAT Web Manual Chapter 4 Advance Configuration
4.5.2 WPA Personal
WPA Personal is a Wi-Fi Alliance IEEE 802.11i standard, which includes AES-CCMP and
TKIP mechanisms. The Personal version of WPA employs a pre-shared key (instead of
using IEEE 802.1X and EAP as is used in the Enterprise WPA security mode). The PSK is
used for an initial check of credentials only.
This security mode is backwards-compatible for wireless clients that support the original
The Pre-shared Key is the shared secret key for WPA
Personal. Enter a string of at least 8 characters to a
maximum of 63 characters. Acceptable characters include
upper and lower case alphabetic letters, the numeric digits,
and special symbols such as @ and #.
Broadcast Key Refresh Rate
Enter a value to set the interval at which the broadcast
(group) key is refreshed for clients associated to this VAP
(the default is 300). The valid range is 0-86400 seconds. A
value of 0 indicates that the broadcast key is not refreshed.