Aiconnames – Visara Master Console Center Scripting Guide User Manual
Page 69
Chapter 5 Script Commands
Scripting Guide
AICONNAMES( $AssocArray, %Class, $ParentIcon)
Fill an array with all of the icon names in a class.
An associative string array is created with its index keys being the
names of the icons in the specified class. The set of icons obtained for
the specified class is determined by the ParentIcon parameter. Not all
icons in the specified class are obtained, only the icons whose parent
icon name is ParentIcon.
$AssocArray. Associative string array. The associative array to
receive the icon names as its keys. Each icon name becomes an index
key in the array. The data for each element remains at the
initialization state—empty string “”.
%Class. Numeric expression. The icon class. Refer to Icon Class/Icon
Name on page 29 for more information. Valid classes are CPU, OS,
and UNIT.
$ParentIcon. String expression. The name of the parent icon to the
class of icons. Refer to Icon Class/Icon Name on page 29 for more
1. Refer to Manifest Constants on page 42 for the constants reference
2. Refer to the ASSOCKEYS() command if it is necessary to convert
the array keys to normal array data values.
3. For class of CPU, the ParentIcon parameter is ignored.
4. This command is not designed to get names from the SW level. To
obtain the names at the SW level, refer to the OBJIDARRAY()
//place the names of all CPUs in the room called “Mpls”
//as keys in the $Icons associative string array.
AICONNAMES( $Icons, CPU, “Mpls”)
See Also: