Date/time, Epoch seconds, Midnight seconds – Visara Master Console Center Scripting Guide User Manual

Page 40: Date and time literals

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Chapter 3 Script Syntax

Scripting Guide



The date and time type functions allow great flexibility in manipulating
and formatting of time values. All date and time values are based on the
number of seconds past a certain point in time. The Date/Time function
only uses two points in time:


Seconds past epoch.


Seconds past midnight.

Epoch Seconds

Epoch seconds is the number of seconds past the Epoch time. Epoch time
is January 1, 1970 at the time of 00:00:00—the beginning of January 1,
1970. There are two ways of obtaining the epoch seconds for “now”:

%EpochSecs := SECONDS()

%EpochSecs := DATE() + TIME()

Both obtain the same result.

Midnight Seconds

Midnight seconds is the number of seconds past midnight, in other words,
the number of seconds that has elapsed for the day.

%MidSecs := TIME( “04:08:24”) // %MidSecs == 14,904

Date and Time Literals

Just as character string literals are delimited with quotes, date/time
literals are delimited by pound signs “#”. All time literals are based on
the 24-hour clock.
Using a date literal has the same results as using the “DATE()”
command. Using a time literal has the same results as the “TIME()”








//April 11, 1992