Visara Master Console Center Scripting Guide User Manual

Page 19

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Chapter 1 Script Overview

Scripting Guide


Using the EXEC Command

A script may be executed from within another script with the EXEC
command. The name of the script is stored in a string expression. The
format of the command in a script looks like this:

$RetVal := EXEC(“myscript”,42)

For further information and examples, refer to the description of the
EXEC() command in Chapter 5 Script Commands.

Using the START Command

A script may be executed from within another script for concurrent
processing with the START command. The format of the command in a
script looks like this:

$RetVal := START(“myscript”,42)

For further information and examples, refer to the description of the
START() command in Chapter 5 Script Commands.

Note: If the END command is used or a runtime error occurs in

an executing script, every script in the “lineage chain” that
has called the script will also end. RETURN may be a more
appropriate command than END.