G2237 xdsl statistics report, Table 12–21. g2237 xdsl statistics report, Table 12–21 – Verilink Net Engine (3150-30626-001) Product Manual User Manual

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NetEngine IAD User Guide

IAD Reports


G2237 xDSL Statistics Report

Table 12–21.G2237 xDSL Statistics Report



Operational State

Current operation state.

Start Progress

Current start progress.

Operational Seconds

Total Operation Time in Seconds

Up/Down Counter

No. of times modem has come up.

Received SNR

No. of SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ration) received.

Mean SQ Error

No. of mean SQ error used to compute received
signal to noise ratio.

Initial Received SNR

No. of the Initial Received SNR (Signal-to-Noise

Loop Attenuation

Current level of Loop Attenuation

Actual PSD Mask

Actual PSD mask is used for the line code
comparison. It is acknowledged that an optimized
PSD mask can be decided only after line code
decision is made. The transmit power back-off of
remote HTU

Framer Sync

Current framer synchronization status: In-Sync /
Out of Sync

LOSW Status

Current status of LOSW (Loss of Sync Defect): ON

Total Seconds

Total seconds of statistics gathering.

Errored Seconds

Total errored seconds received of CRC and LOSW
errors found.

CRC Count

No. of CRC errors (near end) received.

LOSW Defect Count

No. of LOSW Defect (Loss of Sync Defect) errors

FEBE Count

No. of Far End Block Error Count (far end).


Current status of Tip/Ring: Normal / Reserved.

Transmit Power

Nominal transmit power.

Receiver Gain

Current no. of total receiver gain.


Remote Country Code

Current Remote Country Code.

Remote Provider Code

Current Provider Code.