Line parameters -15, Internal -15 t1 dte -15 port 1 -15 – Verilink PRISM 3001 (34-00186) Product Manual User Manual
Page 49
Configuration Screens
The Line Parameters screen (Figure 4-9) allows reviewing and setting line
parameters for the selected element. The following fields are used in this screen.
The T1 DTE fields appear only in units with that option installed.
T1-NET Framing
Selects the framing for the network side of the element. The choices are ESF and D4.
T1-NET Line Code
Sets the network side line coding. The choices are AMI and B8ZS.
Sets the line build out for the network interface. The choices are 0 dB, -7.5 dB, -15
dB, and -22.5 dB.
PRM Enable
This field allows the T1.403 Performance Report Message, which is sent once a
second, to be turned on or off. The choices are ENABLED and DISABLED.
Zero Suppression
This field determines whether ones density insertion is activated after 15 zeros
(rather than 175 zeros). The choices are ENABLED and DISABLED.
T1-NET Timing
Sets the timing source to synchronize the units internal timing generators. In all
cases, slips are controlled to occur on frame boundaries at the network and/or
DSX1 ports when timing synchronization is lost.
The units internal frequency standard is used for all timing.
The unit synchronizes to the clock recovered from the DSX1 T1 DTE
port. This selection only appears on units equipped with the T1 DTE option.
Timing is synchronized to the external terminal timing clock supplied
from the DTE and connected to the selected port.
Figure 4-9 Line Parameters Screen
3001 DSU x.xx/x.xx
PRISM 3001
Date: MM/DD/YY
No Far End Response
Time: HH:MM:SS
-------------------------------- LINE PARAMETERS --------------------------------
T1-NET Framing:
Rem Comm Channel:
( 0)
T1-NET Line Code:
T1-DTE Framing:
[D4 ]
[-7.5 dB]
T1-DTE Line Code:
PRM Enable:
T1-DTE DSX Level:
[0-110 FEET ]
Zero Supppression:
D/I Start Ch:
( 1)
T1-NET Timing:
# of Channels:
Station Timing:
[64K x ] ( 0)
Channel Allocation: 1x1x1x 1x1x1x ------ ------