Thinklogical MX48 Router Manual User Manual

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M X 4 8 R o u t e r P r o d u c t M a n u a l , R e v . F , D e c . 2 0 1 4

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input and output needs to be prioritized. Priorities can range from 1 to the total number of ports in the MX
Router. An output can connect to an input with a priority greater than, or equal to, its priority. Thus, a
priority level of 1 on an output can connect to any input (priority 1, 2,


The user must provide a table defining the priorities for each input and output of the switch matrix. This
table is in the form of a comma separated value (csv) file. This file contains the values in three columns:
Port Direction (i=input, o=output), Port Number and Port Priority. For example:




"i", 1, 1
"i", 2, 2
"i", 3, 3
"i", 4, 1
"i", 5, 3
"o", 1, 1
"o", 2, 3
"o", 3, 2
"o" 4, 4
"o", 5, 1

Output 1 can connect to ports 1-5.
Output 2 can connect to ports 3 and 5.
Output 3 can connect to ports 2, 3, and 5.
Output 4 cannot connect to any ports.
Output 5 can connect to ports 1-5.

Note that Port Direction (i or o) is in quotes and that the table must use only the following ASCII printable

Double quotes (or speech marks),

character code = 34


Lower case i

character code = 105


Lower case o

character code = 111



character code = 44


Carriage Return

character code = 13


Line Feed

character code = 10


The MX Router will interpret the Restricted Switching Table (csv file) during the boot-up. Any errors that
occur during the Restricted Switching Table interpretation process will be logged in the messages file at
the following location: var/log/messages


It is recommended that the Messages File be reviewed and any errors in the

Restricted Switching Table be corrected before implementing multiple levels of security
classification domains on the same MX Router. It is also recommended that Restricted Switching
be fully tested before implementing multiple levels of security classification domains on the
same MX Router.

The Restricted Switching Table files for the MX48 Router are stored on the Controller Card at the
following location:


Restricted switching is disabled when Restricted Switching Table files are removed. By default, when
there are no Restricted Switching Table files, all input and output ports will have a priority of 1. All MX
Routers are shipped without Restricted Switching Table files stored on the Controller card and therefore
do not restrict any connection.