1–introduction – Teac DR-07MKII User Manual
Page 19

Any data, including, but not limited to
information, described herein are intended only
as illustrations of such data and/or information
and not as the specifications for such data and/
or information. TEAC Corporation disclaims
any warranty that any use of such data and/or
information shall be free from infringement of
any third party’s intellectual property rights or
other proprietary rights, and further, assumes no
liability of whatsoever nature in the event of any
such infringement, or arising from or connected
with or related to the use of such data and/or
This product is designed to help you record
and reproduce sound works to which you own
the copyright, or where you have obtained
permission from the copyright holder or the
rightful licensor. Unless you own the copyright,
or have obtained the appropriate permission
from the copyright holder or the rightful licensor,
your unauthorized recording, reproduction or
distribution thereof may result in severe criminal
penalties under copyright laws and international
copyright treaties. If you are uncertain about
your rights, contact your legal advisor. Under
no circumstances will TEAC Corporation be
responsible for the consequences of any illegal
copying performed using the recorder.