Smithy CNC Mills User Manual

Page 31

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The second repeat consists of 3 moves. The X position is reset to 9 (=5+4) and the

Y position to 12 (=7+5).

1. a traverse parallel to the XY-plane to (9,12,4.8)

2. a feed parallel to the Z-axis to (9,12, 4.2)

3. a traverse parallel to the Z-axis to (9,12,4.8)

The third repeat consists of 3 moves. The X position is reset to 13 (=9+4) and the

Y position to 17 (=12+5).

1. a traverse parallel to the XY-plane to (13,17,4.8)

2. a feed parallel to the Z-axis to (13,17, 4.2)

3. a traverse parallel to the Z-axis to (13,17,4.8)

2.18.3 G82: Drilling Cycle with Dwell

The G82 cycle is intended for drilling. Program G82 X- Y- Z- A- B- C- R- L- P-

1. Preliminary motion, as described above.

2. Move the Z-axis only at the current feed rate to the Z position.

3. Dwell for the P number of seconds.

4. Retract the Z-axis at traverse rate to clear Z.

2.18.4 G83: Peck Drilling

The G83 cycle (often called peck drilling) is intended for deep drilling or milling with

chip breaking. The retracts in this cycle clear the hole of chips and cut off any long

stringers (which are common when drilling in aluminum). This cycle takes a Q num-

ber which represents a "delta" increment along the Z-axis. Program

G83 X- Y- Z- A- B- C- R- L- Q-

1. Preliminary motion, as described above.

2. Move the Z-axis only at the current feed rate

downward by delta or to the Z position, whichever is less deep.

3. Rapid back out to the clear_z.

SmithyCNC Programmer’s Reference Manual:G Codes

SmithyCNC Programmer’s Reference Manual: G-Codes
