Smithy CNC Mills User Manual
Page 13

SmithyCNC Programmer’s Reference Manual: Language Overview
thing in any of the 120 possible orders (such as "#4=-7.0 g1 #3=15 g40 (foo)")
for the five items.
1.8 Commands and Machine Modes
In RS274/NGC, many commands cause a machining center to change from one
mode to another, and the mode stays active until some other command changes
it implicitly or explicitly. Such commands are called "modal". For example,
ifcoolant is turned on, it stays on until it is explicitly turned off. The G codes for
motion are also modal. If a G1 (straight move) command is given on one line,
for example, it will be executed again on thenext line if one or more axis words
is available on the line, unless an explicit command is given on that next
line using the axis words or cancelling motion.
"Non-modal" codes have effect only on the lines on which they occur. For exam-
ple, G4 (dwell) is non-modal.