Smithy CNC Mills User Manual

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SmithyCNC Programmer’s Reference Manual:Language Overview

SmithyCNC Programmer’s Reference Manual: Language Overview


1.3.3 Expressions and Binary Operations

An expression is a set of characters starting with a left bracket [ and ending

with a balancing right bracket ]. In between the brackets are numbers, parame-

ter values, mathematical operations, and other expressions. An expression may

be evaluated to produce a number. The expressions on a line are evaluated

when the line is read, before anything on the line is executed. An example of an

expression is [ 1 + acos[0] - [#3 ** [4.0/2]]].

Binary operations appear only inside expressions. There are four basic mathe-

matical operations: addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division

(/). There are three logical operations: non-exclusive or (OR), exclusive or

(XOR), and logical and (AND). The eighth operation is the modulus operation

(MOD). The ninth operation is the "power" operation (**) of raising the number

on the left of the operation to the power on the right. The relational operators

are equality (EQ), inequality (NE), strictly greater than (GT), greater than or

equal to (GE), strictly less than (LT), and less than or equal to (LE).

The binary operations are divided into three groups. The first group is: power.

The second group is: multiplication, division, and modulus. The third group is:

addition, subtraction, logical non-exclusive or, logical exclusive or, and logical

and. If operations are strung together (for example in the expression [2.0 / 31.5

- 5.5 / 11.0]), operations in the first group are to be performed before opera-

tions in the second group and operations in the second group before opera-

tionsin the third group. If an expression contains more than one operation from

the same group (such as the first / and * in the example), the operation on the

left is performed first. Thus, the example is equivalent to: [((2.0 / 3) * 1.5) -

(5.5 / 11.0)] , which simplifies to [1.0 - 0.5] , which is 0.5.

The logical operations and modulus are to be performed on any real numbers,

not just on integers. The number zero is equivalent to logical false, and anynon-

zero number is equivalent to logical true.

1.3.4 Unary Operation Value

A unary operation value is either "ATAN" followed by one expression divided by

another expression (for example "ATAN[2]/[1+3]") or any other unary operation

name followed by an expression (for example "SIN[90]"). The unary operations

are: ABS (absolute value), ACOS (arc cosine), ASIN (arc sine), ATAN (arc tan-

gent), COS (cosine), EXP (e raised to the given power), FIX (round down), FUP

(round up), LN (natural logarithm), ROUND (round to the nearest whole num-

ber), SIN (sine), SQRT (square root), and TAN (tangent). Arguments to unary

operations which take angle measures (COS, SIN, and TAN) are in degrees.