Seaward Europa Pac Plus User Manual
Page 35

Touch Leakage Test
Mains voltage applied to appliance
All Appliances
Plug EUT into tester outlet socket, use Earth Continuity lead from
Main socket to appliance metal part.
Test Description
The Touch Leakage Test displays the leakage current that would flow
if the appliance was touched by a person. The Tester detects any
current flowing in the Earth Continuity Lead (attached to an
appropriate point on the appliance) and indicates the potential
leakage through a metal panel. The Tester displays the result in
milliamps (mA).
Test Duration
The test is continuous and is stopped by either pressing the
START/STOP button or by switching to an un-powered test. In both
cases the test will be stopped and the power to the appliance
removed. Switching to another powered test will stop the previous
test and start the new test without interrupting power to the appliance.
User Selectable Settings
Only the test limit can be set by the user for this test.
Test Limit
With the secondary display flashing and indicating current (mA
displayed), use the cursor keys to step through the test limits
available and stop with the appropriate limit displayed.
A special limit indicated by a plus sign (+) to the left of the limit, is a
user adjustable limit.