Components and navigation – Orion System Lead Controller User Manual
Page 25

Lead/Lag Controller Technical Guide
Section 7: Confi guring Analog Outputs
Analog Outputs
The Analog Outputs Window is located in the lower right-hand side
of the Lead/Lag Controller Status Screens (Figures 8 & 9, pages 11
& 12). There are 4 Analog Outputs. See Figure 37 for the Analog
Outputs Window component summary. See the pages that follow
for details.
Right or Left-click on any of the Analog Output
name fi elds to access the description entry box
and change the name of the Analog Output.
Left-Click in the data entry fi eld to confi gure the
Analog Output.
Right-Click on these fi elds to access the
Override and Cancel Override options.
The Light bulb will light up when the Output is in the
Occupied Mode.
Figure 37: Analog Outputs Window Components and Navigation
Renaming Analog Outputs
To give the Analog Output a new name, click on the blue highlighted
Analog Output # fi eld and the Analog Output Data Entry Dialog Box
will open (Figure 38). Once you have typed in a new description,
to save.
Figure 38: Analog Output Data Entry Dialog Box
Components and Navigation
Enabled or Disabled indicates whether the output is active
or inactive.
Current Analog Output Setpoint