NavCom LAND-PAK Rev.E User Manual
Page 93

™ User Guide – Rev. E
Accuracy (V)
+ 5mm +0.5ppm
Rapid Static Post Processing Mode:
Multi-frequency; L1/L2/L2C/L5/G1/G2
Accuracy (H)
Accuracy (V)
+ 5mm +0.1ppm
+ 10mm +0.5ppm
The specifications herein are based on
the following: PDOP <4, 1-sigma (65%),
24-hour averaged set of data. Further,
performance is dependent on, but not
limited to, location, satellite geometry,
atmospheric conditions (i.e., solar storm
activity), local interference, DoD signal
degradation (i.e., Selective Availability or
similar techniques), satellite messaging
or timing errors, and augmentation
correction messages. Equipment
operated on a single frequency is more
susceptible to atmospheric and solar
storm activity than is multi-frequency
operated equipment.
The Network RTK software option allows
the receiver to generate and receive
RTCM 1000-series messages. The
navigation algorithms are designed to
support single-base correction
configurations. Network adjusted RTK
formats are not currently supported.
RTK WL is a positioning mode that is
necessary for phase ambiguity
resolution. However when this
navigation mode is indicated, it is likely
that the receiver is in a corner case
navigation condition. As such, it is not
likely that the end user will wish to use it
as a valid navigation mode.