Microcom 400 User Manual
Page 74

Bar codes
Chapter 7
400 Operators Manual
For example: The UCC-128 shipping container specification requires the 128 bar code to start
in subset C and contain the character function 1. The following format example illustrates how
this is done.
Codabar (Rationalized Codabar), TCI=42
The Codabar bar code is typically used to identify air shipping containers, library items and
blood information. It can encode the characters 0 through 9, -$:.+ABCD and four different
start/stop characters.
Code 93, TCI=43
Code 93 is a high density, full alphanumeric, variable length, bar code. Through the use of
reserved shift characters, it can encode all of the first 128 ASCII characters.
AS-10, TCI=44
AS-10 is not widely used. It is variable length and encodes the numeric values 1234567890
UCC/EAN-128, TCI=50 (TCI=51 is the text version)
UCC/EAN-128 bar codes are actually Code 128 bar codes that have a specific data format
that contains multiple data subfields. Subfields are identified by application identifiers as
specified in UCC/EAN-128 Application Identifier Standard (January 1993, revised and
reprinted July 1995).
The UCC/EAN-128 bar code field has a TCI of 50. The CGN field is ignored.
The UCC/EAN-128 text field has a TCI of 51. The CGN selects the desired resident font for
printing the text string. In other words, use the same CGN that would be used if printing the
string with a regular resident font using a TCI of 1.
Data strings can contain one or more substrings appended onto one line. Each substring can
consists of a 2-, 3-, or 4-digit Application Identifier immediately followed by a data string
meeting the formatting requirements for that Application Identifier.
The following table is a list of supported Application Identifiers and their data format
requirements. Use this legend when reading the data format requirements:
alphabetic character
numeric character
alphanumeric character
3 alphabetic characters, fixed length
3 numeric characters, fixed length
3 alphanumeric characters, fixed length
variable length up to 3 alphabetic characters