Microcom 400 User Manual
Page 68

Loading Graphic Images
Chapter 6
400 Operators Manual
400 Look-up Table
;Offset in bytes, from START2 to the specified character descriptor. The
first entry would point to the descriptor of the first character (the space
character for example) and the second entry would point to the second
character (the ! character for example) and so on. If a character is not
decoded , then the word should point to the default character, usually
the space character. This table continues for every character in the font.
Note: A graphic will only have one character in the font.
400 Character Descriptor
;pixels high
;pixels wide
400 Character Data
;data for character
The rest of the file would be more character descriptor and character data modules. All data
from START1 to the end should ne in ASCII-hex format. This encryption takes the most
significant nibble of the byte and adds 48 if between 0-9 and 55 if between 10-15. The same
process is preformed for the least significant nibble. For example, the byte 108 decimal, or
01101100 in binary would translate to ASCII hex 6C.