2 installation – Measurement Computing CIO-QUAD0x User Manual
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The board has a variety of switches and jumpers to set before installing the board in your computer. The simplest way to
configure your board is to use the InstaCal
program provided on the CD (or floppy disk). InstaCal will show you all
available options, how to configure the various switches and jumpers to match your application requirements, and will
create a configuration file that your application software (and the Universal Library) will refer to so the software you use
will automatically have access to the exact configuration of the board.
Please refer to the Software Installation Manual regarding the installation and operation of InstaCal. The following hard
copy information is provided as a matter of completeness, and will allow you to set the hardware configuration of the board
if you do not have immediate access to InstaCal and/or your computer.
The CIO-QUAD02 has a set Base Address switches, and a bank of six switches and six jumpers for setting the quadrature
inputs for differential or single-ended modes. The CIO-QUAD04 has Base Address switches and two banks of switches (six
each) and 12 jumpers to set the quadrature inputs for differential or single-ended modes.
2.2.1 Base Address Switch
Prior to installing the CIO-QUAD boards, set the base address by using the dip switch located on the board. Use the base
address switch description below to guide your base address selection.
Unless there is already another board in your system using address 300h (768 decimal), you can leave the switches as they
are set at the factory. The example shown in Figure 2-1 shows the settings for the factory default base address of 300h.
Figure 2-1. Base Address Switch
A complete address is constructed by calculating the hex or decimal number which corresponds to the address that the
CIO-QUAD will respond to. In the default configuration, shown above, addresses 9 and 8 are DOWN, and all others are
UP. Address 9 = 200h (512 decimal) and address 8 = 100h (256 decimal). When added together they equal 300h (768
2.2.2 Interrupt Level Select
The interrupt level used by the CIO-QUAD board is selected in software. They are most easily set in InstaCAL, and are then
saved to the .CFG file that the Universal Library and some third party software use to determine the current board
configuration. Please refer to chapter 4 for details regarding setting the Interrupt level via register level programming.
2.2.3 Single-Ended/Differential Switch and Jumper Settings
Prior to installation, set the switches and jumpers on the CIO-QUAD to the settings required by your application. The board
is supplied preset for single-ended use with no termination resistors installed. This section gives you the information
necessary to change the defaults (all switches ON (up) and jumpers on pins 2 and 3).
A 9
A 8
A 7
A 6
A 5
A 4
20 0
10 0
BAS E A DD RESS SW ITC H - A ddress 300H sh ow n here.