Specifications, Analog inputs, Accuracy – Measurement Computing PCI-DAS6023 User Manual

Page 31

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Chapter 5


Typical for 25 °C unless otherwise specified.
Specifications in italic text
are guaranteed by design.

Analog inputs

Table 1. Analog input specifications

A/D converter type

Successive approximation type, min 200 kS/s conversion rate.


12 bits, 1-in-4096

Number of channels

16 single ended / 8 differential. Software selectable

Input ranges

±10 V, ±5 V, ±500 mV, ±50 mV. Software selectable

A/D pacing
(SW programmable)

Internal counter – ASIC. Software selectable time base:

Internal 40 MHz, 50 ppm stability

External source via AUXIN<5:0>. Software selectable.
External convert strobe: A/D CONVERT
Software paced

Burst mode

Software selectable option, burst rate = 5 µS.

A/D gate sources

External digital: A/D GATE

A/D gating modes

External digital: Programmable, active high or active low, level or edge

A/D trigger sources

External digital: A/D START TRIGGER


A/D triggering modes

External digital: Software-configurable for rising or falling edge.
Pre-/Post-trigger: Unlimited number of pre-trigger samples, 16 Meg post-trigger samples.

ADC pacer out

Available at user connector: A/D PACER OUT

RAM buffer size

8 k samples

Data transfer

Programmed I/O

DMA modes

Demand or non-demand using scatter gather.

Configuration memory

Up to 8 k elements. Programmable channel, gain, and offset

Streaming-to-disk rate

200 kS/s, system dependent


200 kS/s sampling rate, single channel operation and a 15-minute warm-up. Accuracies listed are for

measurements made following an internal calibration. They are valid for operational temperatures within ±1 °C

of internal calibration temperature, and ±10 °C of factory calibration temperature. Calculations for Absolute

Accuracy are based on the average of 100 measurements performed at the max input voltage for a given range,

measured after one year. Calibrator test source high side tied to channel 0 high, and low side tied to channel 0

low. Low-level ground is tied to channel 0 low at the user connector.

Table 2. Absolute accuracy specifications


Absolute Accuracy

±10 V

±2.0 LSB

±5 V

±2.0 LSB

±500 mV

±3.0 LSB

±50 mV

±4.0 LSB

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