Mathey Dearman CNC Saddle Machine User Manual
Page 107

CNC Saddle Machine Parts & Operating Manual 03-0117-MSA 03-0117-1SA 03-0117-2SA
Ver 1.0
9. Current Ring Gear Angle – Shows the current angle of the ring gear is in degrees, it can be moved by
using rotate buttons (6 & 7)
10. Jog Carriage Reverse Button – Pressing this button will cause the machine to move the carriage in the
reverse direction or in the –z direction. The current position of the ring gear is shown below (7)
11. Move To Min – Pressing this button will move the carriage to the current minimum z position. This
location will be the smallest z value in the entire cut. This value is the same value that is in the z-offset
label box (4)
12. Go Home Button – This button will move the machine to the defined home zero point of the carriage
which is on the ring gear side and is also zero inches.
13. Current Min Z Value – Shows what the current minimum Z value is, this is updated whenever the ‘Z-
Offset Value’ box (4) is changed.
14. Set Z-Offset From Current Carriage Location Button – If possible clicking this button will set the ‘Z-
Offset Value’ box (4) to be whatever the carriage position is (8). This is useful whenever it is desired to
set the starting position to a carriage position that is physically designated.
15. Jog Carriage Forward Button – Pressing this button will cause the machine to move the carriage in the
forward direction or in the z direction. The current position of the ring gear is shown below (7)
16. Back Button – Go to the previous cut selection screen.
17. Next Button – Go to the next cut selection screen.