JB-Lighting Licon FX User Manual
Page 39

12.02.2010 V1.0
7.8 Displaying serial number and software version
Press the softkey INFO to call up the serial number of the console as well as the
current version number of the operating software.
-> The quick start guide ends with this chapter.
If you wish to look more deeply into the functions of the console, work through the
menu items you left out so far starting at the beginning of this user’s manual.
7.9 Testing keys, LEDs, faders as well as DMX inputs and outputs
The TEST menu performs a test of keys, LEDs, faders/potentiometers as well as
DMX inputs and ouputs. Activate this menu by pressing the softkey TEST. The
following menu bar is shown:
7.9.1 Testing keys and LEDs
Press the softkey KEYS to perform a key/LED test. The following test display is
The test display shows that the key “BANK A1“ (left flash key of the fader bank A) will
be tested first. Press this key, and the key “BANK A2“ to be tested next is shown on
the display. If such key has integrated LEDs, these will light or flash when the key is
Continue in this way testing all keys and LEDs consecutively.
When a key has two LEDs, the left LED is activated first. Press this key once and the
right LED is activated, press again and the next key to be tested is shown on the
If the error message KEY ERROR appears on the display, if the test does not
continue with the next element (key or LED) when a key is pressed or if it is not
possible to activate an LED, then a malfunction of the console may be present. In
that case it is necessary that you contact our technical support under
7.9.2 Testing faders
Press the softkey FADER to start the test of the faders/potentiometers.
56 numerical values in the range 0...255 will be shown on the display. These
correspond to the current values of the individual faders/potentiometers.
The values assigned to the faders are arranged in lines on the display in analogy to
the sequence of the faders/potentiometers listed below. The left upper value will be
tested first.
Section A Bank A Fader 1 … Section A Bank B Fader C4 Section B Bank C Fader
1 … Section B Bank D Fader C4 Time/Man-Fade Fader Sec A Sub Master
Fader Sec B Sub Master Fader Main Master Fader Aux 1 Potentiometer
Aux 2 Potentiometer Aux 3 Potentiometer
Before starting the test, move all controllers to the zero position.