JB-Lighting Licon FX User Manual
Page 24

12.02.2010 V1.0
Section B bank C fader 1 page 1 bank C cue 1
Section B bank D fader 1 page 1 bank D cue 1
It is possible to change the above links (see 4.5.2 Changing links between faders and
internal storage
4.5 Control section
As already described previously, the encoder of the control section is used in order to
change chase parameters as well as data on the LCD display.
The elements of the control section are as a rule also used to change the links
between faders and internal storage, as described under 4.4 Cues and chases, and
to change chase parameters.
You can assign the control section to any cue or chase fader.
4.5.1 Assigning the control section to a cue or chase fader
The control section is assigned to cue or chase faders either automatically by
activation in the STORE or EDIT menu (see: 5 Cues or 6 Chases) or manually in the
main menu.
For manual selection in the main menu press and hold the SELECT key of the
control section. Then select the fader to which you want to assign the control section
by pressing the corresponding flash key of the fader (BANK A 1...C4,
BANK C 1...C4
BANK D 1...C4
Now release both keys.
Thus the selected fader is defined master of the control section and is displayed in
the field “SEL” as follows:
e.g.: SEL: A 1 control section is assigned to cue fader bank A fader 1
control section is assigned to chase fader bank D fader C2
-> For quick start guide continue with 4.5.3 Changing chase parameters with
elements of the control section
4.5.2 Changing links between faders and internal storage
To change the link between a fader and the internal storage location, the
corresponding fader section must not be in single channel access mode (see 4.2 A/B
fader sections
After selection press SELECT key again and the following display is
The field ACTIVE SELECTION shows the link that is currently active.
The field NEXT SELECTION shows the link that is activated, when the fader value
0% is reached.
Use the encoder if you wish to carry out changes in the field NEXT SELECTION.