JB-Lighting Licon FX User Manual
Page 34
12.02.2010 V1.0
If you wish to reset the chase to the first step, select the chase in the control section
(see 4.5.1 Assigning the control section to a cue or chase fader) and press the
key. Separate faders for brightness and fading, manual change with key
This mode also needs two faders for control of the manual fade. The left fader is
used as brightness fader. The chase you want to use for the fade is stored on this
fader and the flash key of this fader is used for selection of the chase in the control
section. The right fader is used exclusively for fading between the chase steps. In this
mode, you can change to the next step fade by pressing the flash key of the right
If you wish to reset the chase to the first step, select the chase in the control section
(see 4.5.1 Assigning the control section to a cue or chase fader) and press the
6.4.4 Changing the fade time
-> The parameter fade time can be changed both in the STORE or EDIT mode and
by direct selection in the control section
The parameter fade time determines the fade time between two chase steps. This
applies to the modes automatic sequencing, manual sequencing by Go keys and
manual sequencing by sound trigger.
This parameter is displayed in the STORE or EDIT menu in the following line:
On principle, the following two modes are distinguished:
In the absolute mode, the fade time is a fixed time factor expressed in seconds. This
mode is active, when the softkey LINKF in the PARAM menu is not displayed
In the relative mode, the fade time is expressed as a percentage value. Here, the
fade time is calculated as a percentage of the speed parameter. The advantage of
this method is that if the speed is changed in the automatic mode, the fade time will
be changed correspondingly. This mode is active, when the softkey LINKF is
displayed inverted.
You may toggle between the two modes with the softkey LINKF.
Two possibilities are available to change the fade time:
If you wish to change the fade time with the encoder in the active STORE or EDIT
mode, ensure that you are in the PARAM menu and that the menu item FADET (fade
time) is displayed inverted. If not, press the softkey FADET (fade time) for activation.
You may also use the Time/Man-Fade fader of the control section to change the fade
time. For this purpose, the left (red) LED of the TIME/MAN-FADE key must be
activated. If this is not the case, press the said key for activation (repeatedly, if
necessary). As soon as the Time/Man-Fade fader is moved, the fade time is set
between 0 to 10 seconds. If the fade time is expressed in seconds, you can adjust
the fade time directly by changing this parameter. If the fade time is expressed as a
percentage value, the fade time is changed in that the chase speed is adjusted
correspondingly. This is only possible, however, if the fade time parameter is not set
to 0%.