JB-Lighting Licon FX User Manual

Page 23

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12.02.2010 V1.0


Take into consideration the following aspects while you are programming cues or
The submaster faders of the sections A/B principally influence the brightness values
to be stored.
The master faders and the BLACKOUT key only have an influence on the displayed
DMX output values, but not on the values relevant for programming, a fact that allows
a kind of “blind“ programming.
-> For quick start guide continue with 4.5 Control section

4.3 Swap function

The swap function is used to set lighting highlights. For this purpose, flash keys of the
fader sections A and B are pressed while the swap function is activated. The fader
values of those faders with activated flash keys are then set to 100%, while the other
fader values of the sections A and B are set to 0%.
Press the SWAP key to activate (corresponding LED is active) or deactivate
(corresponding LED is inactive) the swap function.
In the fader extension mode of the Licon FX to the Licon 1/1X you can define in the
CONFIG OPTION menu of Licon 1/1X, to which extent the swap functions for
intelligent light and conventional light may influence each other.

4.4 Cues and chases

For reasons of compatibility, we have designed the internal storage management of
the Licon FX in analogy to the PAR section of the Licon 1/1X console.
As already mentioned under 4.2 A/B fader sections, a maximum of 48 faders is
available for access to cues and chases.
Since the Licon FX is equipped with the same internal storage management as the
Licon 1/1X, the console is capable of storing a far larger number of cues and chases.
The following storage management for cues will arise:
- 3 pages
- 4 banks / page
- 16 cues / bank
- 8 cues that cannot be switched by page/bank keys
This results in a maximum storage capacity of 3 x 4 x 16 + 8 = 200 cues.
The following storage management for chases will arise:
- 3 pages
- 4 banks / page
- 8 chases / bank
This results in a maximum storage capacity of 3 x 4 x 8 = 96 chases.

The 48 faders of the sections A and B are linked to these internal storage locations.
The following links will result with default settings or after a reset:
Fader  internal storage location
Section A bank A fader 1  page 1 bank A cue 1
Section A Bank A fader 2  page 1 bank A cue 2
Section A bank A fader C1  page 1 bank A chase 1
Section A bank A fader C2  page 1 bank A chase 2

Section A bank B fader 1  page 1 bank B cue 1