JB-Lighting Licon FX User Manual

Page 33

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12.02.2010 V1.0


Activate this mode paying attention to the LEDs of the control section mentioned

As can be seen in the illustration, only the green LED for the Time/Man Fade key
may be flashing. If this is not the case, activate or deactivate the LEDs by pressing
the corresponding keys (repeatedly, if necessary).
In the manual flow mode with fading by chase faders, fading to the next step is
carried out by alternately moving the chase fader up and down. When the fader has
reached its minimum or maximum position, the console changes to the next step
This mode is appropriate for permanent manual fade of chases.

There are three modes of operation, which will be described in the chapters below.
These modes are configured in the CONFIG-OPTION-MFADE menu (see 3.3.1
Manual fade


A basic distinction is made between a) one mode of operation where a chase fader is
employed for combined use for brightness control and fading and b) two modes of
operation where the actual brightness fader of the chase remains as such and the
subsequent chase fader is used for the fading operation.
The later allow configuration of the chase fader combinations C1/C2 and C3/C4 on
each bank. Combined fader for brightness and fading
Activate the desired chase fader by pressing the Time/Man-Fade key and adjust the
desired brightness for the fade first. Then press the corresponding flash key in order
to use the fader for fading between the chase steps. Move the fader to its minimum
or maximum position and the console will change to the next step fade. To complete
the fade, press the corresponding flash key again and then move the fader to the
100% position. If you are now moving the fader towards the 0% position, the fader
will assume the function of a brightness controller as soon as it has reached the
brightness value selected at the beginning of the fade.
If you have accidentally activated a fade with a brightness of 0%, you can switch
directly to the brightness adjustment mode by selecting the chase in the control
section (see 4.5.1 Assigning the control section to a cue or chase fader) and then
pressing the RESTART key. Separate faders for brightness and fading, automatic fade
This mode needs two faders for control of the manual fade. The left fader is used as
brightness fader. The chase you want to use for the fade is stored on this fader and
the flash key of this fader is used for selection of the chase in the control section. The
right fader is used exclusively for fading between the chase steps. When the fader is
moved to the minimum or maximum position, fading to the next step is carried out
automatically. The flash key of the second fader has no function in this mode.