Seating and aftercare – Ivoclar Vivadent Zenostar User Manual
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Seating and aftercare
The universal cleaning paste Ivoclean effectively cleans the bonding surfaces of prosthetic restorations after intraoral
try-in and thus creates optimum pre-requisites for the luting procedure.
Possibilities for cementation
Esthetic cementation options are decisive to ensure that an all-ceramic restoration harmoniously blends into the oral environment.
Depending of the indication, Zenostar restorations can be seated using either an adhesive, self-adhesive or conventional luting
The restorations can be conventionally cemented using phosphate cement or glass ionomer cement. We recommend using
Automix for adhesive cementation, SpeedCEM
for self-adhesive cementation and Vivaglass
CEM PL for conventional
The range of available products may vary from country to country
Short definition of the different luting procedures:
Adhesive cementation
With adhesive cementation, adhesion is achieved by means of a chemical and/or micromechanical bond between the luting material
and the restoration, and between the luting material and the preparation. Given the chemical and/or micromechanical bond,
retentive preparation is not required. Depending on the cementation material, special adhesive systems are used to establish a
micromechanical bond to the dentin and/or enamel. Adhesive cementation results in an enhanced "(overall) strength" of the seated
all-ceramic restoration.
Self-adhesive cementation
The luting material features self-adhesive properties to the tooth, which is why pre-treatment of the tooth surface with adhesives
is not required. Hence, the adhesion of the restoration is partially achieved by a micromechanical and a chemical bond. In order to
achieve sufficient bonding strength, retentive preparation is recommended.
Conventional cementation
With conventional cementation, the bond is almost entirely created by static friction between the luting material and the restoration,
as well as between the luting material and the preparation. To achieve the necessary static friction, retentive preparation with a
preparation angle of approximately 4-6° is required.
Indication-related cementation options
Anterior and posterior crowns
Bridges with/without
pressed-on shoulder