Ivoclar Vivadent Telio Lab User Manual
Page 18

This technique is particularly recommended for long-span restorations. The resin can be quickly and evenly
applied into the doubling mould or the silicone with a customary syringe (available in pharmacies).
Wax-up and silicone doubling
Provide at least two sprues on the wax-up for long-span restorations (e.g. wax wire or 3-4 mm plexiglass
– Double the model with the wax-up by means of a doubling mould. It is important that the entire wax-
up is embedded in silicone.
– The wax-up is embedded in silicone. Remove the wax wires or plexiglass pin after setting.
– Transparent silicone is particularly useful since it enables better optical control during injection.
Model preparation and isolation
– Once the silicone has set, remove the model with the wax-up and clean off wax residue.
– Block out undercuts and cuts between model segments with wax.
– Immerse the model in water for 5 minutes. Then, apply two layers of Separating Fluid. Wait between
the two layers until the surface is no longer shiny.
Fabricating temporaries in the
injection technique (syringe)
Thoroughly block out all areas between the wax-up and the model so that no doubling
silicone may enter the area between the wax-up and the model. Block out cuts between
model segments with wax.
Rough surfaces or undercuts may be isolated or blocked out using the elastic isolating gel SR Ivocron
Separator. Apply SR Ivocron Separator and allow to dry for approximately 5 minutes.