Fronius IG 15 User Manual
Page 19

With each additional task, as described above and controlled directly by
the inverter, installation becomes easier and less costly because no addi-
tional peripheral equipment will be required. Based on our experience and
the use of the most innovative technologies, the FRONIUS IG unit is able
to manage all these tasks simultaneously.
In addition, the FRONIUS IG unit complies with a whole number of requi-
rements established for the safety of people and other household ap-
pliances, as well for its own safety.
Some of these requirements are:
- ability to monitor the mains network
- the quality of the electricity supplied
- detection of outside disturbance and interference (for example mobile
Annexed you will find the respective certificates.
Your advan-
Display func-
tion and data
via modem, text messages to mobile phones in the event of faults, data
visualisation and data comparison on the PC.