Appendix a: updating the software remotely – Drake EEG-QIP Enterprise Edge Guide with QAM and IP Input / CHIC Software User Manual

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Appendix A: Updating the Software Remotely

Following are the steps to provide FTP files to the EEG-QIP unit, telnet into the EEG-QIP, and apply the update.


FTP Files to EEG-QIP: FTP files into the EEG-QIP.

NOTE: a) All the commands are case sensitive

b) It is recommended to copy the EPCS_1.bin in the root directory, i.e. My Computer > C:

c) Only entering the command prompt, if you see a directory different than the root directory, then use the

command "cd.." to enter the C:\>.

From a command (DOS) prompt (you must be in the same folder as the EPCS files) enter:

ftp –A x.x.x.x

NOTE: The x.x.x.x portion of the command is the IP address of the EEG-QIP you wish to update.

From a command (DOS) prompt (you must be in the same folder as the EPCS files) enter:

ftp –A x.x.x.x

At the FTP prompt enter the following commands:

{Please ensure that you have entered the “bin” command to confirm that you are FTPing the files as binary files.}


put EPCS_1.bin


The above four commands may be automated by entering them in an ASCII text file (called ftpcmd, recommended but

can be any name) and executing the following:

ftp -A -s:ftpcmd x.x.x.x

You can place the ftp command above in a batch file (.bat) then double click on the .bat file to perform the entire

download process.


Telnet to EEG-QIP: There are two ways to telnet to the EEG-QIP:

1. Use Command line and type in “telnet IP address” for example “telnet x.x.x.x”

2. Use the Terminal program such as Putty to telnet.

Using a terminal program such as Putty to telnet into the EEG-QIP (can use Linux, DOS prompt, Putty, etc.) allows you

to save your configurations so it’s very quick and easy to telnet into the unit again.

After you telnet into the unit you must login into the unit with the following credentials:

Username =

Admin (case-sensitive)

Password =

pass (case-sensitive)

Then cd to the /home/ftp directory where the EPCS_1.bin file has been placed.

cd home/ftp

Update: Now you can use the field update utility (epcs) to program the EPCS PROM.

WARNING: Care should be taken at this time, if misspelled characters or letters are typed by accident, or you

have mistyped the bin command in Step 1, this could cause the EEG-QIP Flash memory to be corrupted. You

can recover from this situation by repeating the procedure all over again from Step 1 above.

Ready: Please read the rest of this page once before typing the commands.
Update by programming EPCS1:

epcs –e1 EPCS_1.bin
If you get errors during programming then DO NOT TURN OFF the EEG-QIP, just repeat the epcs

commands again. Wait until the entire programming/verification process completes. This will take several

minutes. The EEG-QIP unit should now reboot. Press the enter key. A message should indicate that the Telnet

Session has ended or connection has been lost. Exit the command prompt.