Drake DNP100 Network Media Player User Manual

Page 21

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PLAYLISTS Tab (continued)

Your selection here will dictate which fi les and fi le types will populate the FILE POOL from

which you will draw fi les to populate your PLAYLIST.

*NOTE: Remember that the PLAYLIST is a group of fi les to be PLAYED BACK in a specif-


Tab on Page for more details on ZONES), and there can only be ONE VIDEO ZONE per

LAYOUT. This information may help guide you in your selection of fi le types chosen for


4. Single-click a fi le from the FILE POOL that you wish to ADD to the NEW PLAYLIST. Once

the fi le is highlighted, click the Button located between the FILE POOL and the FILE

SEQUENCE areas of the NEW PLAYLIST Window. The VIDEO fi le / IMAGE fi le / CHAN-

NEL / MUSIC fi le should now be ADDED to the FILE SEQUENCE area.

Additional options and important information:

A. If including IMAGES or CHANNELS in your PLAYLIST, set the DURATION time that

each IMAGE fi le / CHANNEL will be displayed within the VIDEO ZONE once the

PLAYLIST has advanced to that particular fi le during PLAYBACK. Click APPLY TO

SELECTED ITEMS to commit the setting to DSM. If there are no IMAGE fi les /

CHANNELS in the PLAYLIST once it has been created, the DURATION setting has

no effect.

B. You may also use the Button to highlight all content fi les located in the FILE

POOL area before clicking the Button. Doing so will ADD all content fi les to the

SEQUENCE area. Likewise, using the Button will de-select (un-highlight)

any highlighted content fi le.

5. REPEAT Step 4 until you have all desired fi les ADDED to the FILE SEQUENCE area.

6. Use the and Buttons to order the PLAYBACK SEQUENCE of your

PLAYLIST. Single-click an individual content fi le in the FILE SEQUENCE area to highlight

it, then move the fi le up or down in the FILE SEQUENCE list.

(As a rule, the NEW PLAYLIST being created will always play from the top of the FILE SE-

QUENCE list down through to the bottom, in the order that the included content fi les are

shown. You may change the order before saving the NEW PLAYLIST by using the

and Buttons, which will re-order the FILE SEQUENCE alphabetically by fi le name.)

7. Click SAVE to create your NEW PLAYLIST or CANCEL to exit the NEW PLAYLIST Win-

dow. When clicking CANCEL, any changes made to the NEW PLAYLIST will be lost.

Your NEW PLAYLIST has been added to the PLAYLISTS List on the PLAYLISTS Tab of the

DSM MAIN Window. The EDIT Button will open the same NEW PLAYLIST Window and allow

you to modify a current PLAYLIST’s FILE SEQUENCE as well as ADDING or DELETING con-


fi les.

Click SAVE to accept any changes made.

(continued on Page 22)