Remote device assignment configuration web page – DNF Controls USP-S User Manual
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Remote Device Label Enter any 32 characters. This label is for convenience only and is used in the Event
Action Table.
Device Type OTHER
PKM- Use to connect to DNF’s Panel Key Mapper application running on a Microsoft
Windows computer.
GTP-32/DC20- Use to connect to DNF Controls GTP-32 and DC20 devices
Connection Type Select UDP, SNMP, or TCP/IP.
- USP-S24/48 listens only on Port 50000 for UDP messages.
For UDP Ethernet Transmit Actions, the USP-S uses source port 50000
Connection Mode For TCP/IP Only
Client Transmit: Establish connection to remote device.
Transmit command.
Disconnect from remote device.
Client Transmit/Receive: Establish connection to remote device.
Maintain connection to remote device.
Server Receive/Transmit: Accept connection from client.
Only client at assigned IP Address can connect
The client is responsible for maintaining connection.
Server Mode only, AnyWhere Interface Box listens on the following ports:
Port 50001 for connection from Remote Device 1
Port 50002 for connection from Remote Device 2
Port 50003 for connection from Remote Device 3
Port 50004 for connection from Remote Device 4