Qualifying order, Ranked on lowest et, Ranked on furthest under dial-in – Daktronics CARS User Manual

Page 18: Ranked on closest to dial-in, not under, Ranked on reaction time, Qualifying order -4, Ranked on lowest et -4, Ranked on furthest under dial-in -4, Ranked on closest to dial-in, not under -4, Ranked on reaction time -4

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Qualifying Order

Select the option that will order the drivers in the way that you want for this category. Each selection
is described below:

Ranked on lowest ET

Drivers are ranked based on ET only, from lowest to highest. Dial-Ins are not used.

Ranked on furthest under dial-in

Drivers are ranked based on the difference between the ET and the Dial-In. The driver
furthest under his/her Dial-In is ranked first and the one furthest over is ranked last. Breakout
is not used.

Ranked on closest to dial-in, not under

Drivers are ranked based on the difference between the ET and the Dial-In. Drivers with ET’s
that are less than their Dial-In are placed at the end of the qualifying order. Remaining drivers
are ranked from closest to dial-in to furthest from Dial-In.

Ranked on reaction time

Drivers are ranked based on RT only, from lowest to highest.

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