Daktronics AB-1600-1.5,2.5 User Manual

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Section 1: Introduction


How to Use This Manual

This manual explains the installation, maintenance and troubleshooting of the Daktronics 1600 series
Sunspot , 1.5-inch lens large matrix display system. For additional questions regarding the safety,
installation, operation or service of this system, please refer to the telephone numbers listed on the
cover page of this manual.

The manual contains four sections: Introduction, Mechanical Installation, Electrical Installation
and Maintenance & Troubleshooting.


Introduction covers the basic information needed to make the most of the rest of this manual.
Take time to read the entire introduction as it defines terms and explains concepts used
throughout the manual.


Mechanical Installation provides general guidance on display mounting.


Electrical Installation provides general guidance on terminating power and signal cable at the


Maintenance & Troubleshooting addresses such things as removing basic display components,
troubleshooting the display, performing general maintenance and exchanging display

At the end of this manual are two appendices: Appendix A: Reference Drawings and Appendix B:
Forms & Reports


Appendix A contains standard drawings and general information relevant to this display. It also
contains any drawings specific to this display. Daktronics will often alter a display’s original
design to better meet the needs of the customer. These drawings are the primary source for
specific display information. Drawings are in alphanumeric order unless otherwise specified.


Appendix B contains any checklists and forms used during installation or maintenance of the

Drawings in Appendix A always supersede any similar drawings found after any section of this

Listed below are a number of drawing types commonly used by Daktronics, along with the
information that each is likely to provide.


System Riser Diagrams: overall system layout from control room to display, power and phase


Shop Drawings: fan locations, transformer locations, mounting information, power and signal
entrance points and access method (front or rear).


Schematics: power wiring, signal wiring, panelboard or power termination panel assignments,
signal termination panel assignments and transformer assignments.

The box below, Figure 1, is an illustration of a Daktronics drawing label. The drawing number is
located in the lower-right corner of the drawing. This manual refers to drawings by listing the last set
of digits and the letter preceding them. In the example below, the drawing is Drawing A-114667.