Daktronics AB-1600-1.5,2.5 User Manual

Page 60

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Maintenance & Troubleshooting


a) Look down the rows of louvers from either end of the display and ensure that all lenses secure

properly. It is very easy to notice lenses that are not secure, as the lens removal tab or the lens
itself will not be in alignment with the other lenses or removal tabs of that row.

b) Ensure the rows of louvers are in proper alignment.
Insert the feeler gauge between the module and the top of the display. As the feeler gauge

slides along the top of the display, there should be considerable resistance. This indicates that
the weather-stripping (HS-1149) is providing a good, tight seal against moisture. If the gauge
moves freely or with very little resistance, find the cause.


It may be that the weather-stripping on either the module or the border is damaged and
requires replacement.


If the weather-stripping is undamaged, then adjust the perimeter border to obtain a good,
tight seal between the weather-stripping of the module and the perimeter border.

If the display shipped in sections and bolt together on site, check the weather-stripping tightness
between adjacent modules of each section with the feeler gauge. If the feeler gauge moves freely:

a) Check the weather-stripping on the 8x16 lens assemblies.
b) If the weather-stripping is okay, this would indicate that the sections do not bolt together

closely enough, creating a gap between the sections where moisture can enter the sign. Refer
to the installation procedure to ensure that all installation instructions for bolting the sections
together were followed.

4.18 Louver


Replace all bent or damaged display louvers. Return the lens/reflector assembly containing the
damaged louvers to Daktronics for repair or replacement.

4.19 Interior


Do not allow dust and/or dirt to accumulate within the display cabinet. The debris can deposit behind
the lenses. This may restrict airflow out of the display and cause overheating problems. Use an air
hose and vacuum to keep the inside of the cabinet clean.

Occasionally, it is wise to check the airflow through the lenses using the “smoke test.” This is
especially true if the display controller is blanking the display but the cause of overheating is not